New Singing Group

A new singing group will be making its debut on Wed 21st Sept from 10.30am – 12 noon, Walton Village Hall in the Bromage room. 

We will be singing a variety of popular songs from the 20th century bringing back memories of that golden age of musical medley from the 20s right through to Abba in the 70s. The singing will be very light-hearted with no hard practice as we are not a choir. Anyone can sing along with others in a group so why not give it a try.

Zumba Gold

Sadly, Nikkie has decided that it is time to move on, so we are working hard to find a replacement qualified teacher. Members will be contacted by e mail as soon as we have any news. Meanwhile, enjoy the Summer break and hope to see you in September.

Due to a cancellation, there are 2 places available on the outing to WELSHPOOL LLANFAIR STEAM RAILWAY and POWIS CASTLE (NATIONAL TRUST) WEDNESDAY AUGUST 17th 2022

David has arranges an day in Mid-Wales, with a delightful ride through beautiful countryside on the charming
Welshpool and Llanfair narrow-gauge steam railway, with the afternoon at the lovely house and
gardens of Powis Castle.

Full details of the outing and booking form will be included in the MAY edition of your Phoenix Newsletter.

Posted by / June 1, 2022 / Posted in News


We have taken great pride over the years to offer a wide variety of outings in every Newsletter and would like to continue to do so.

Mike Jones our organiser for Symphony Concerts has now decided to retire so if you enjoy
attending these wonderful concerts please volunteer to take on this role, Mike would be very
happy to guide you through.

Please contact Pat Hayward if you would like to join our team of organisers. Help and advise always

Posted by / April 19, 2022 / Posted in News

History Group- Monthly

Group Leader; David Wilkinson

Meetings are held at Walton village hall on the first Wednesday morning of each month
except August. The talk is scheduled to start at 10am, although the hall is open from 9.30am.
In 2025 the first talk will be on 15 January. The fee for each talk will be £3 and all members
of Phoenix are welcome. Refreshments will be served after the talk for 40p. There is plenty of
time to enjoy refreshments and a chat after the talk.

Wednesday 15 January. Ann Featherstone will be making a welcome return with a talk Fools
and Horses: The Victorian Circus. The talk provides a fascinating insight into the history of
the Victorian Circus and the men and women who rode, tumbled and clowned there.
Wednesday 5 February. Danny Wells also makes a welcome return with a presentation on The
Victorian Way of Death. Death was ever present in nineteenth century Britain. The subject is
not as morbid as it may sound; this illustrated talk offers a fascinating glimpse into Victorian
attitudes to death.
Wednesday 5 March. Trevor James will talk about Celtic Saints. The talk examines
connections between Wales, Cornwall and Britanny during the Dark Ages.
Wednesday 2 April. John Butterworth makes a welcome return with his talk about Editing the
UK’s Fourth Oldest Weekly Newspaper. A talk about the fascinating history of the
Shrewsbury Chronicle, where John was editor for 12 years. John will talk about some of the
eccentric stories and advertisements in the paper which started in 1772.
Wednesday 7 May. Rearranged from Novemebr 2024. Nick Seager will talk about Daniel
Defoe and the Politics of Queen Anne’s England. An account of Defoe’s political writings
and espionage work in the reign of Queen Anne. It deals with religious toleration, the Anglo-
Scottish Union, Jacobitism and the War of the Spanish Succession. Was Defoe unprincipled
and mercenery?
Wednesday 4 June. Carl Dudley will talk about Crossing the Railway in Staffordshire –
Pitfalls, Problems and Disasters. Some railway accidents and incidents in Staffordshire have
highlighted the dangers and resulted in new national safety measures.
Wednesday 2 July. Philip Morgan will talk about Staffordshire at War. Stafford was founded
as a religious settlement, but was quickly co-opted for the needs of war. From the Vikings to
the Cold War and beyond, Stafford might be seen as a military town.
Wednesday 3 September. Barbara Andrew makes a welcome return as a speaker. She will
talk about Women before the war: the national and local picture in 1914. Barbara has a series
of talks about the role of women both before and during the war. The talk looks at women in
both public and private life both nationally and in Stoke-on Trent in particular.
Wednesday 1 October. Peter Collinge also makes a welcome return. He will talk about
Inheritance and Family Enterprise: The Wildeys of Lichfield. Peter gives a range of talks on
the social and economic history of the late C18th and C19th centuries. The talk will provide a
local example of family business enterprise during the first half of the C19th.
Wednesday 5 November. Steve Booth has been a regular speaker at Phoenix. He will talk
about The Potteries Blitz. Stoke-on-Trent was bombed by the Germans from August 1940
until February 1941.
Wednesday 3 December. To be arranged.


Our executive coach takes us from our usual pickups to the Award-winning Museum of
Making in Derby arriving soon after 10.00 hrs. Located in the Old Silk Mill, which many
regard as the oldest factory in the world, the museum features the 300-year history of
making in Derby. There are lifts between floors. There are a wide range of displays covering
the past present and future, with displays from Derby manufacturers, including Rolls Royce
Aerospace, Toyota and many more – and there are fun interactive areas! The Museum has a
superb new restaurant, which sources all its food from local farmers and butchers, and even
the coffee is locally roasted! The delightful seating area is by the riverbank with outdoor
seating if the weather allows. We leave at 13.30 so there should be plenty of time to have a
snack or more substantial meal if you wish.
Our coach then takes us to Loughborough Central Station on Great Central Railway. We
arrive an hour before travelling, so there is time for a short visit to the railway museum, or
to look around the time-capsule station much used by film and TV – and the vintage tea
room and bar will be open if you prefer! We then have a return journey of the full length of
the line, 45 minutes each way, with a Cream Tea served on board as we travel.
This is one of the UK’s top heritage railways, with one of the best collections of working
express engines. It is the only Heritage Railway in Europe based on a former main line –
which once went from Sheffield and Manchester to London. The railway is double track
throughout, and the heritage steam-hauled train we travel on is allowed to travel faster than
other UK Heritage lines, so you can experience your delightful cream tea on-board a
heritage express train! The station has a lift from street level to the platform and good
quality walking surfaces throughout.
After our return to Loughborough Central station, our coach brings us back to Stafford, for
the drop-offs in reverse order.
The cost, including coach, gratuity, entry to The Museum of Making, Railway Ticket with
Cream Tea and entry to the Railway Museum is just £48.
Please note the pick up times (slightly different from usual) are:
Wildwood 08.30, Lynton Ave 08.40 and Rising Brook 08.55.
Please send booking forms and cheques payable to SWPAC OUTINGS to David Barker, 23
Bridle Road, Stafford ST17 0QD (Tel 01785 662463)
BY FRIDAY 23 MAY. Early booking is recommended.

Congratulations Jean!

Congratulations to Jean who has reached the ripe age of 90 and is an accomplished indoor bowler with Phoenix at Walton VillageHall. Age would appear to be no barrier to this marvellous player and shows that exercise can help and is important to us all

.Pam Ewan

Posted by / March 1, 2022 / Posted in News

River Cruise Fully Booked

The cruse on the River Trent outing is now fully booked! Outings that include WATER are always popular with our members!

Posted by / February 6, 2022 / Posted in News

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration

Our Committee members would like your thoughts on our plans to organise an event to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The event would not be held during the official bank holiday weekend, as there will be so much going on. The suggestion is that our celebration should be an Afternoon Tea with entertainment. The date of the event is yet to be decided, but will probably be in mid July, before the School holidays. Your comments & thoughts would be appreciated. The event is dependant on the number of positive responses we receive.

Posted by / January 19, 2022 / Posted in News

Merry Christmas!

The Phoenix shopaholics enjoyed a great day out at Chester & Cheshire Oaks.

Thanks Patti!

Posted by / November 26, 2021 / Posted in News

We will remember them

Thank you to Alan Green who laid a wreath on behalf of SWPAC this morning

Posted by / November 14, 2021 / Posted in News

Singles Luncheon

The Singles and Carers Saturday Luncheon Group enjoying their first lunch back since the pandemic started. The numbers were understandably a little depleted as some members would prefer to venture out later in the year, no doubt when everyone is double vaccinated and had the booster. Never-the-less 17 of us enjoyed meeting up again for good food, friendship and a ‘natter’. Jenny Bloor, Group Leader.


Twenty Six Phoenix Bowlers took part in a Drawn Doubles Competition on Monday 6th.Sept. and the concluding Semi & Final on Monday 13th.Sept.. 2021 at Riverway Bowling Green.

The Winners were:

Pam Ewan and Barbara Jackson – Trophy presented by Frank James (photo attached)

and the Runners up:

Ian Pattyson and Martin Smith.

It was a well attended competition and a closely contested final

Thanks to all who supported this event a fitting end to the Bowling Season during these difficult times

We look forward to another Bowling Season in 2022, when hopefully there will be full fixtures for that Season.

Best wishes

Anne Mace

Phoenix Match Secretary

CONGRATULATIONS to the Drawn Doubles Winners

Group Leaders: 2024

ART: Bill Barber

ZUMBA GOLD: Carol Bailey (Monday), Rose Gwilt (Thursday)


INDOOR BOWLS : Pam Ewan (Monday & Thursday) Peter Jordan (Tuesday)






CRAFT: Gabrielle Cummings

HISTORY: David Wilkinson

SKITTLES Terry & Lynda Goodchild

LINE DANCING: Sue Thompson Beginners) Fay Collins (Advanced)

MUSIC WORKSHOP: Malcolm Harratt

GARDENING: Vera Wilkinson


WHIST: Chris Boxley


OUTINGS: Patti Brown

MUSIC/THEATRE:Alan & Leonie Morris


Our Craft group meets 2.00 to 4.00 on the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th (if there is one) Tuesday of the month in the village hall at Walton. We as a group have worked on a variety of different projects involving a great variety of skills.

It is flexible enough that if any one has a particular craft skill they can do that with us but in the

company of a very sociable and friendly group. Attendance £2.20. New members welcome!

Group Leader: Gabrielle Cumming


The Art Group is a self help group, working with a range of materials and techniques and would welcome NEW MEMBERS.

Please contact Group Leader, Bill Barber for more details.

Below are some examples of artwork by our talented members of the group.

Posted by / May 16, 2021 / Posted in Art


Indoor Bowls (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday) started again on 3rd January and will finish on Thursday 24th. March. We will then start again at the end of the Outdoor Bowling season. We now have a healthy number on all three days. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Pam or Peter (01785 660819) to check availability.

Vacancy for Secretary.

We are still looking for someone to come forward to fill the secretary’s role as Ann wishes to stand down.

Posted by / May 13, 2021 / Posted in News

Message from Liz, our Newsletter Editor

I am going to have to step down as Newsletter Editor as I have had several health issues in the last few years, so I am very much hoping one of you will step forward to take over. I have loved carrying out the role and meeting so many Group Leaders and members, and the past few years have been an absolute pleasure. Liz

Posted by / May 12, 2021 / Posted in News

Message from the Membership Secretary

The membership secretary requests all members or their friends to inform him of any recent changes to their existing
addresses and telephone numbers so that their information can be updated on the main membership list for other members.
Many thanks. Ian James

Posted by / May 12, 2021 / Posted in News