fRiendship, fun and fitness for the oveR 50'S

2019 Community Award Winner: Social Wellbeing

Regular Activity Groups & Outings

Most of our Activity Groups meet at WALTON VILLAGE HALL. The Zumba Gold members meet at Berkswich Methodist Church Hall and Scrabble is held at Baswich Library. In addition to group activities, our Phoenix Group Leaders organise' Saturday Solos Lunch Club, Days out to gardens, places of historic interest, heritage sites, interesting towns, museums, local attractions and Visits to the theatre to enjoy musicals, plays and concerts. For more information, please contact us by e mail: or complete the Membership Application Form.

Phoenix Outings

The members of our Outings Team are planning some popular day trips for this year. Patti has arranged a return visit to the beautiful city of BATH. (more details later). Outings which include boats and railways are always popular, but we would like to hear your views and suggestions for NEW day trips. Please share your suggestions with any of our Outings team: Patti, David, Janet B, Leonie & Alan, Diane, Pete & Lynne. Carol & Wendy or Rose. Volunteers to arrange outings are always welcome.

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To everyone who has booked for our outing 20th May to Croome and GLWR, This is to inform yo...

Music Workshop

Music Workshop

Do you play a musical instrument? NEW MEMBERS are welcome to join our gro...

Using Smartphones, Tablets and Computers

Wednesdays (Monthly) 9.30pm-12noon

Group Leader, David Barker

These mon...