Save the date: Saturday December 7th, Proms Spectacular

After a very successful Proms Night last year, we intend to repeat the outing this year.

As ticket prices are not yet available, details for the concert will appear in the November Newsletter

but will have a shorter deadline for replies. Alan & Leonie

Posted by / July 23, 2024 / Posted in News

Thank you Prue

David, showing our appreciation to Prue, who has been Group Leader for the Gentle Exercise Group for 13 years. Thank you for your commitment Prue, and thank you to Sue who who now takes on the role of GL.

SOLOS Luncheon Group

Some of the members of our SOLO LUNCHEON GROUP enjoyed the food and chat in the conservatory at The 3 Hammers Bistro at Coven today.

Posted by / June 15, 2024 / Posted in News

Thank you!

And the ladies did a brilliant job changing the planned itinerary at the last minute when the river cruise was cancelled due to high water levels . 🦋

Posted by / April 17, 2024 / Posted in News

Thursday 55 BowlingLeague Phoenix A team

Pictured above are the Thursday 55 Bowling
League Phoenix A team at their annual lunch with
special guests Barbara and Brian (centre)
who will be known to many of our members.
Both were formidable bowlers being very difficult to
beat and won many trophies over the years.
Despite being well into their 90s they continued to
participate in both indoor and outdoor bowling
activities until 2021. 

Posted by / February 28, 2024 / Posted in News

NEW – Tea & Chat Afternoon

Sadly, support for the monthly coffee morning has dwindled since the recent move to The Barley Mow, Milford, and these are now discontinued. A monthly Tea & Chat at The Wildwood will now replace the coffee mornings. These afternoon sessions will take place on the 1st Tuesday each month from 2pm. Please join us if you can and feel free to bring a friend who may be interested in joining the Phoenix Club – meeting dates are Feb 6th, Mar 5th & Apr 2nd. Meg & Robin

Posted by / January 8, 2024 / Posted in News

AGM/Christmas Party

Over 100 members enjoyed our AGM/Christmas Party. Many thanks to Patti and her team for a fabulous event.

Posted by / November 26, 2023 / Posted in News

Just Announced! Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto at the Victoria Hall, Hanley on 2nd February 2024

Karen Gomyo, a sensational Japanese born violinist, makes her debut in our series and will show exactly why in Tchaikovsky’s glorious concerto. The rest of the programme is high voltage with John Storgårds bringing his special virtuosity to Sibelius’s symphonic portrait of a nation awakening to freedom.

Full details and booking slip will be included in the NOVEMBER edition of your Newsletter.

Posted by / September 19, 2023 / Posted in News

Shrewsbury Flower Show

Patti arranged perfect weather for the outing to The Shrewsbury Flower Show

Posted by / August 12, 2023 / Posted in News

Beginners Line Dancing Group welcomes new members

We meet at Walton Village Hall, at 1.00 pm-1.45 pm, during school term time only. No experience necessary. Contact Group Leader, Sue for more details (phone number is in your Phoenix Newsletter)

The Autumn term commences on Wednesday SEPTEMBER 6th.

The group members presented Linda with a bouquet of flowers to show their appreciation.
Posted by / August 1, 2023 / Posted in News