Gentle Exercise Class

Regular weekly activity.

Our Gentle Exercise Group is back! Please note, we still have a waiting list due to numbers being restricted. Please bring your own drink.

Group Leader: Prue Bradley

  • Day: Friday
  • Time: 10.00am-11.30am
  • Venue: Walton Village Hall
  • Fee: £1.50 per session

Non competitive gentle exercises which are based on Tai Chi, low impact slow motion movements are designed to keep joints supple and improve flexibility. Standing and seated exercises only. i.e no floor exercises.

Thanks to Prue, Sue & Pat (above) for leading the Group











Charity Donations

At the Annual General Meeting, members were asked to vote for four of the following charities to support for the next twelve months:








Please click on the links below for more information:

Posted by / October 18, 2016 / Posted in News

Outing to the British Ironwork Centre
Pat Wilkinson wrote the following letter after the visit to the British Ironwork Centre



Dear Sarah,
I am so sorry we didn’t report as you suggested at reception . I simply had not read your letter, however I have to thank you and tell you how much we enjoyed it.
You will be pleased to know the coach driver was also most impressed and is going to recommend a visit by his coach company .
My son who recommended it to me in the first instance, has promised me he will visit after getting a resounding praise from various members of the group.. We shall certainly put it on the group itinery for a visit in the future.
Many thanks for a successful visit
Pat Wilkinson
Displaying Stafford Walton Phoenix..JPG

Outing to Oswaldtwistle Mills and Samlesbury Hall, MARCH 14th. 2017

Pat arranged an outing to Oswaldtwistle Mills and Samlesbury Hall, on MARCH 14th. 2017

Oswaldtwistle Mills award-winning Shopping Village in Lancashire has something to amaze, charm and intrigue visitors of all ages. The former Weaving Mill has over 100 retailers all under one roof, 5 Restaurants, NEW Ice Cream Parlour, extensive Home, Lifestyle & Garden Centre, Mill Grounds, Aquatics Specialist, Craft Centre, Textile and Heritage Museum and even it’s own Wildfowl Reserve

Photo of Oswaldtwistle Mills

In the afternoon we travel to Salmesbury Hall,a fascinating medieval house.

Our guided tour through the historic rooms is with a specialist costumed tour guide (a witch). This is followed by a Cream Tea.


Samlesbury Hall, one of the stunning stately homes of Lancashire, a haven for history lovers, where the past meets the present

Samlesbury Hall - Lancashire's Historic Home



CRICH TRAMWAY VILLAGE-Thursday 6th. October 2016

Pat Hayward arranged an outing to the

CRITCH TRAMWAY VILLAGE, the home of the National Tramway Museum in the heart of the Derbyshire Countryside.

The coach will drop us off in the centre of the village.

On arrival collect your old penny to pay the conductor your tram fare, and receive a ticket you can use all day. Trams depart regularly from town end, calling at various stops along the mile long track.

The exhibition takes you through a hundred years of tramway development from the first horse drawn trams through to steam and electric.

All parts of the village are easily accessible with smooth routes and ramps and lifts to all buildings. There are a variety of catering facilities on site, such as Rita’s Tea room

The Red Lion Pub

The Red Lion Pub

An Aladdin’s cave of treats. Old fashioned jars of sweets, tins of confectionary, foil wrapped bars of fudge and toffee, all jostle for space in the period shop.

Barnett's Sweet Shop


David Barker organised an outing to Porthmadog on Monday September 5th. 2016

The itinery was as follows:

Travel through the spectacular Snowdonia National Park to Portmaddog.

Leisurely lunch

Board the Ffestiniog Railway for the scenic one hour long journey.


Please click on individual photos to enlarge.


Outdoor Bowls 2016


‘ As Captain of the Phoenix A Crown green bowling team I would like to congratulate everyone in the team for their support and achievement of winning the second division trophy for the second time and congratulations to Phoenix D for a hard fought battle and becoming runners up.’
After 4 years of Captaincy I will be handing over to Mike Bosson for the 2017 season.  I am sure he will do a fine job of running the team but I will still be there to give him any support he needs.  
Barry Dunn

The victorious Phoenix “A” Team promoted to the First Division of the 55 league,2016.

  Information and picture supplied by David Walthorne.

Federation News: Janet Palmer

At the recent Federation meeting, Bill Basford, the Chairman, initiated a lively and constructive exchange of ideas and experiences from the representatives of the six Phoenix clubs which proved to be of interest to us all. He suggested that we should continue for two years in this manner under his leadership and then review the situation.

We will send club reports out every three months and this sharing of information about speakers and outings should prove invaluable. We are also encouraged to discuss any problems and seek advice with each other. Ann and I agreed to represent Walton Phoenix.

The next meeting will be in November, hosted by Holmcroft and will be the AGM.

The Christmas Celebration was discussed and it was agreed that Federation members be invited to attend our Christmas Band Concert on Friday 15th December 2016.

                                                                               Janet Palmer

Posted by / August 9, 2016 / Posted in News

Thank you to Bill Barber, Group Leader of our Monday Art Group for sharing a selection of  the paintings by his talented members.

Please click on photo to enlarge


Posted by / July 28, 2016 / Posted in Art

Summer Strawberry Spectacular, July 23rd. 2016

 On July 23rd. Jeremy & Anne Wheeler hosted a Strawberry Spectacular event in their beautiful garden.
Refreshments of strawberries and cream,buttered and jam scones with hot and soft drinks were provided.
The Eric Newton Jazz Band enhanced a wonderful sunny afternoon with their Traditional Jazz program.
Many thanks to Jeremy and Anne Wheeler and their team of Phoenix members and The Eric Newton Jazz Band.



Photo`s provided by David Walthorne and Jim Bergin


Defibrillator training courses

De-Fib Training  – Two dates have been arranged for this training which will take place in the Main Hall at 2pm on Thursday 8th & Monday 12th September. We are allowed 30 at each session and at present have approximately 10 members on each session. Group Leaders are asked to mention the availability of this training to their members.


Posted by / June 30, 2016 / Posted in News

Outing to Llangollen June 21st. 2016

Many thanks to Pat Hayward for organising the outing to Llangollen, which included a two hour cruise on the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct.

Pat also managed to organise the sunshine!

Please click on photos to enlarge

Thanks to David Walthorne and Jim Bergin for the photographs.


Coffee & Quiz Morning April 13th. 2016

Coffee & Quiz Morning April 13th. 2016

Many thanks to everyone who supported our Coffee Morning and helped to raise £50



Please click on individual photographs to enlarge.

Photos by Rose Gwilt


Thanks to Pat Hayward for organising the outing to the National Space Centre.

Please click on individual photographs to enlarge.

Photos by Cynthia and Tony Brough

Coffee & Quiz Morning April 13th. 2006

Many thanks to everyone who supported the raffle at our Coffee Morning on April 13th.

We raised £50 for one of our PHOENIX nominated local charities, STAFFS WILDLIFE TRUST.



Posted by / April 16, 2016 / Posted in News


Berkswich Parish Council serves the communities of Walton on the Hill and Milford in Staffordshire. Located close to the county town of Stafford and on the edge of Cannock Chase, the parish is home to more than 2,000 people and has highly regarded schools, excellent leisure opportunities and many community and church groups.

The Parish Council meets each month (except August) and dates of upcoming meetings can be found in the news section of this page. Agendas and minutes are also published on this site as well as on the notice boards located around the parish.

Join our Phoenix Team

group of people Do you have time to spare?
  • Are you bursting with enthusiasm and new ideas?
  • Do you have any skills which you are keen to share with our members?
  • Are you interested in standing for election to the committee?
Contact our chairman, Janet Palmer:

The Outings Group are pleased to welcome David Barker to their team.
Posted by / March 5, 2016 / Posted in News