Our 25th Anniversary celebrations

Our 25th Anniversary Celebrations

November 8th 2014


Please click on photos to enlarge

Wanted…….Holiday Reviews & Photos

Recent holiday destinations include:

Weymouth,  September 2014







Isle of man, April 2014


IOM Laxey Wheel MAY 13 - 1 q  George

Grange over Sands, September 2013

On Monday 23rd September, 38 of us travelled by coach to the Cumbria Grand Hotel in  Grange Over Sands, calling at Barton Grange Garden Centre for a comfort stop.  After checking in during the early afternoon, we settled in to our rooms and then joined each other in the dining room for a lovely evening meal. Afterwards, we sat chatting and enjoying a drink in the lounges.

On Tuesday, Andy, our driver, took us for a day out. After calling at Settle, we went on to Hawes, travelling over the Yorkshire Dales in beautiful sunshine. We called at the Wensleydale Cheese factory and were shown how the cheese was made and, of course to purchase some (which most of us did). After arriving back at the hotel, we again enjoyed a lovely evening meal and afterwards we ere entertained by a singer/comedian called Michael Jackson (NO, NOT THAT ONE).

The next morning, we boarded a ferry and enjoyed the journey to Bowness where we spent a couple of hours exploring before departing for the hotel for dinner.  After dinner, we were entertained once again, this time with recordings of some of the old songs to sing to.

On Thursday morning, we were taken on  a tour of the lakes, via Grasmere, then on to Keswick where we spent some time. We travelled back to the hotel via the Kirkstone Pass. We departed on Friday morning, leaving the hotel at 10.00am, and calling at Blakemere Craft Centre  for lunch on the way home. We arrived back in Stafford at 4.30pm. We had lovely weather every day, with no sign of rain and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the break.

Many thanks to Jenny Barrett for the review.

Saundersfoot, May 2013

Thorsby Hall (Warner Leisure Hotel, Nottingham), October 2012



If you would like to share your memories on our website, please send reviews to Rose.













Arnie Hutchinson, Phoenix’s own HERO

Arnie Hutchinson's 90th Birthday Celeb's
As a young man Arnie was parachuted into battle over the Rhine, Germany in 1944 . Fortunately he lived to tell the tale. Having just recently returned from the 70th remembrance anniversary in Arnheim our  hero celebrated his own 90th Birthday with a party for many of his friends at Walton Village Hall (His 2nd of 4 parties in different locations). Here, he is pictured at his party with Suzie his lovely Daughter-in-Law.                                        “Arnie we are incredibly proud to have you as a member of Walton Phoenix. To say we are amazed at your many talents and fantastic personality would be an understatement. What a lovely influential human being you are”                                         AWG-SWPAC-Chair Sept 2014











Book Reading (Monthly)

Regular Monthly Activity



  • Time: 2.00pm-3.30pm
  • Attendance fee: £2.50 per session, which includes payment to the Library for books
  • Venue: Walton Village Hall

        Group Leader: Pat Hayward

There is ONE place available in this group. Please contact Pat Haywood for more details

Dates of next meetings: Nov. 14th, December 12th, January 19th, February 13th, March 13th..




New Line Dancing Group


  • Teacher: Linda Wooliscroft
  • Day: Wednesday (during term time only)
  • Time: 2.00pm-3.30pm (with a break for tea)
  • Fee: £3.00 per session

For more details, please contact Fay Collins

or send a message via this website



Line dancers taking instruction from our lovely new teacher Linda.


The Whist group (fortnightly) meet at Walton Village Hall



  • Every second Friday
  • Venue: Walton Village Hall
  •  2.00pm-4.00pm
  • Attendance fee: £2.00  per session to include refreshments and small prizes
  • Group Leader, Chris Boxley

Dates for 2023: 6th & 20th JANUARY, 17th FEBRUARY, 3rd, 17th & 31st MARCH


Awaiting photographs












The Swimming Group is currently closed as we are unable to provide a qualified Lifeguard.


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Day trip to Bath


We enjoyed a day trip to the lovely city of Bath yesterday. The highlights included a visit to the magnificent Abbey, a walk along the famous Royal Crescent and afternoon tea at one of the oldest house in Bath, Sally Lunn’s  and a little window shopping:)


Bath Abbey

Bath Abbey

Enjoying the buskers outside the Abbey

Enjoying the buskers outside the Abbey


The Royal Crescent

The Royal Crescent


Time for tea at Sally Lunn'sTime for tea at Sally Lunn’s

25th Celebration event.

Friendly reminder

 The deadline for reservations for the 25th. Celebration lunch is SEPTEMBER 1st.

Catering by: Sheila Sindrey

Dairy Bridge Cuisine

Dairy Bridge Cottage, Tixall Mews Road, Tixall, Stafford, ST18 0XT

Please send your reservation slip to Rose Gwilt. Contact details in the AUGUST Newsletter.


Rose Gwilt at Arley Hall Gardens, August 2014




The celebration cake

The celebration cake

You are cordially invited to a Stafford (Walton) Phoenix Activities Club Celebration Lunch on

Saturday 8th November 2014 at Walton Village Hall

Reception 12.30pm, followed by a two course lunch at 1.00pm

£15.00 per person (you are welcome to bring your own wine)

Early booking is essential for the lunch as reservations are limited. Please reply, using the booking slips in the newsletter, by 1st September 2014, to Rose Gwilt.



A Tea Party with Barn  Dancing, Social Dances and Quizzes will follow lunch, starting at 3pm. There is a separate charge of £4.00 for this event, which will include light refreshments. You are invited to enjoy the ambience or put on your dancing shoes and join in a variety of dancing.

Please reply to Rose Gwilt, using the booking slip in the newsletter, by 1st September 2014.


History outing to Arley Hall & Gardens Wednesday 6th August 2014


Many thanks to Janet Palmer for organising an outing to Arley Hall & Gardens.
We enjoyed the delightful gardens in the sunshine, an informative tour of Arley Hall, a visit to the chapel and a delicious lunch in the Tudor Barn Restaurant.


For folks who were unable to join us on the trip, check out the website:


Disney Channel to make first UK production and its chosen Arley as its location.


Evermoor, about an American teen who is uprooted from her city home in the US for a new start in England, will be filmed at Arley Hall. It will be produced by Liverpool-based Lime Pictures, the company behind Hollyoaks and The Only Way is Essex. Due to air this autumn, it will be the first UK production to be shown on the Disney Channel.


Click on photos to enlarge.

 DSCF7340DSCF7341DSCF7347Ruth and Betty relaxing in the sunshine


Rose Gwilt

DSCF7348DSCF7353DSCF7336DSCF7337 Jenny Barrett and friends enjoyed lunch in the Tudor Barn RestaurantDSCF7355DSCF7350DSCF7349DSCF7356

St. Mary’s chapelDSCF7357 Continue reading History outing to Arley Hall & Gardens Wednesday 6th August 2014