SWPAC have 2 teams playing on Wednesday afternoons in the Stafford Veterens Bowling league and
6 playing on Thursday afternoons in the Stafford 55 Bowling League. Both leagues start at the
beginning of April. The Veterens League continues to the end of September and the 55 League until
the end of August. Every team plays an equal number of home and away matches. In both leagues the
match starts with games played by 3 pairs and (usually after a break for tea) 4 singles games; so up to
10 players from each team play each week. The results of the league matches and competitions are
posted on the website bowlsresults.co.uk
Both leagues hold competitions for singles, pairs and triples. Stafford Phoenix runs its own drawn
doubles competition. Currently the fee for each inivdual entering a competiiton is £1. The 2 Riverway
greens are available on Monday afternoons for practice or for social bowling during the bowling
season. It is not necessary to be experienced or an expert to play in a league team, although some
practice would be advisable before joining a league team.
Annual Fees for the 2025 season are:-
Social bowling on Monday afternoons at Riverway greens £14pp
One day as a league player either on Wednesday or Thursday £26pp
Two days as a league player on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons £45. League players can also
use the Riverway greens on Monday afternoons for social bowling or practice
Payment of fees is via a payment slip in the November newsletter. For further information contact
Anne Mace tel 01785 282357
Congratulations to the winners of the recent Phoenix Drawn Doubles held at Riverway on Mon. 27th.May 2024
Phoenix ‘A’ Team Lunch

Barry Dunn’s Phoenix ‘A’ Team celebrating their promotion to the first Division in 2015. Their lunch for Players and partners was held at the Chetwyn Arms. CLICK ON PICTURE TO ENLARGE