Donna Louise Charity Coffee Morning, October 19th. 2018

Please click to enlarge

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet and Blue John Cavern, April 25th. 2018

 David Barker organised an outing to Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet and Blue John Cavern on April 25th. 2018.



 Please click on individual photos to enlarge


Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet is a unique eighteenth century industrial works. Catch a glimpse of life at home and at work at a rural scythe and steelworks dating back to the 18th century.

Abbeydale Works was once a producer of agricultural tools and the largest water-powered industrial site on the River Sheaf. It is now a group of Grade I and Grade II listed buildings and a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

See the Manager’s House and Worker’s Cottage, waterwheels, workshops, tilt hammers, a grinding hull, steam engine and the last complete surviving crucible steel furnance in the UK!

Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet has been restored and transformed following a 3 year £1million Heritage Lottery Funded restoration project completed in 2016.

The new gallery tells the story behind the works, its people and their working lives.

The world famous Blue John Cavern in Castleton in the  Peak District has been said to be the finest that can be seen by the general public in Western Europe.












Art Group

Attendance: £2.50 per session

Time: Monday 10.00 am-12.15 pm

Venue: Walton Village Hall




Posted by / October 19, 2017 / Posted in Art

CIRENCESTER-Tuesday 9th. May 2017


This outing was led by David Wilkinson who is the retired Stafford Borough archaeologist and who used to live and work in Cirencester, known as the capital of the Cotswolds.


Low aerial view of the Cirencester amphitheatre


Corinium Museum, Cirencester

The award winning Corinium Museum is the must-see visitor attraction of the Cotswolds.
Leave the 21st century behind you and discover the treasures of the Cotswolds as you explore its history at this multi award winning Museum.

The Corinium Museum has one of the finest and most extensive Roman collections in the country. Corinium, Roman Cirencester, was the second largest Roman town outside London and the major Roman administration centre for south-western Britain.

Other attractions include the Brewery Arts Centre and the parish church.















Outing to Rode Hall and Gardens, Cheshire Tuesday August 1st. 2017


Janet arranged an outing to Rode Hall, one of Cheshire’s most exquisite country houses.  Discover more about its rich heritage and how the Baker Wilbraham family who have owned it for approaching three hundred and fifty years, have contended with the challenges of social change and architectural trends through to its ongoing conservation and restoration today.

Rode’s Grade II listed park and gardens are amongst the finest in Cheshire.  A seventeenth-century survey described ‘orchards, gardens and courts within the Greene before ye hall’ but there are no further records of the grounds until 1790 when Richard Wilbraham Bootle commissioned a ‘Red Book’ from the landscape gardener Humphry Repton (1752 – 1818).




Outing to the British Ironwork Centre
Pat Wilkinson wrote the following letter after the visit to the British Ironwork Centre



Dear Sarah,
I am so sorry we didn’t report as you suggested at reception . I simply had not read your letter, however I have to thank you and tell you how much we enjoyed it.
You will be pleased to know the coach driver was also most impressed and is going to recommend a visit by his coach company .
My son who recommended it to me in the first instance, has promised me he will visit after getting a resounding praise from various members of the group.. We shall certainly put it on the group itinery for a visit in the future.
Many thanks for a successful visit
Pat Wilkinson
Displaying Stafford Walton Phoenix..JPG

Outing to Llangollen June 21st. 2016

Many thanks to Pat Hayward for organising the outing to Llangollen, which included a two hour cruise on the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct.

Pat also managed to organise the sunshine!

Please click on photos to enlarge

Thanks to David Walthorne and Jim Bergin for the photographs.


Coffee & Quiz Morning April 13th. 2006

Many thanks to everyone who supported the raffle at our Coffee Morning on April 13th.

We raised £50 for one of our PHOENIX nominated local charities, STAFFS WILDLIFE TRUST.



Posted by / April 16, 2016 / Posted in News

History outing to Arley Hall & Gardens Wednesday 6th August 2014


Many thanks to Janet Palmer for organising an outing to Arley Hall & Gardens.
We enjoyed the delightful gardens in the sunshine, an informative tour of Arley Hall, a visit to the chapel and a delicious lunch in the Tudor Barn Restaurant.


For folks who were unable to join us on the trip, check out the website:

Disney Channel to make first UK production and its chosen Arley as its location.


Evermoor, about an American teen who is uprooted from her city home in the US for a new start in England, will be filmed at Arley Hall. It will be produced by Liverpool-based Lime Pictures, the company behind Hollyoaks and The Only Way is Essex. Due to air this autumn, it will be the first UK production to be shown on the Disney Channel.


Click on photos to enlarge.

 DSCF7340DSCF7341DSCF7347Ruth and Betty relaxing in the sunshine


Rose Gwilt

DSCF7348DSCF7353DSCF7336DSCF7337 Jenny Barrett and friends enjoyed lunch in the Tudor Barn RestaurantDSCF7355DSCF7350DSCF7349DSCF7356

St. Mary’s chapelDSCF7357 Continue reading History outing to Arley Hall & Gardens Wednesday 6th August 2014