To everyone who has booked for our outing 20th May to Croome and GLWR, This is to inform you of an important change of the pickup times for this outing. Please note these new start times, and make any who are coming on the outing with you aware of them.
I will remind you again a week before the outing, when I will advise you of which of the two coaches you will be travelling in. David.
Music Workshop
Music Workshop
Do you play a musical instrument? NEW MEMBERS are welcome to join our group, just pop in and have a listen to see if the format would suit you. The ability to read music is not necessary and we play many types of music for fun. Please see the February edition of your Newsletter for contact details.
Gardening Group
We are a group of gardening enthusiasts who have been meeting on the second
Thursday of each month for over 20 years at Walton Village Hall. Our season is from
October to March and a visiting speaker gives a talk at each meeting on a subject of
interest to everyone who has a garden. It may be a professional or an amateur who
can reveal ideas and hints for growing flowers and bulbs or perennials and
evergreens. Come along and enjoy swapping ideas or just socializing over a cup of
tea and biscuits. Each year we organise a visit to a local garden where refreshments
are available. The picture shows last year’s visit when about 30 members turned up.

Outing to Croome & The Gloucester/Warwickshire Steam Railway. 20th. MAY. Only 5 places available!

Outing to Wedgwood and Trentham Shopping Village, Tuesday 8 APRIL
Places still available. Book NOW!
Visit to The Mayor’s Parlour 28.1.2025

Downs Inn January 2025

Date for your diary: Tuesday 6th MAY
The outing to MONMOUTH and the river cruise will be advertised in the February edition of your PHOENIX Newsletter. Please note: We are using a Middletons Coach for the trip which means we are limited to 48 places. A second coach is not possible.
Allocations will be based on first come basis. The cost including gratuities is £48.50pp. Organiser: Patti
Date for your diary-TUESDAY 20th. MAY
The outing to CROOME COURT & GARDENS (N/T) will be advertised in the February edition of your PHOENIX Newsletter. The cost, including coach, gratuity, entry to Croome Court and Gardens and the train ticket is £34 for National Trust members or £50 for non-NT Members. Early booking advised. Organiser: David
Just announced, Outing to Wedgwood and Trentham Shopping Village, Tuesday APRIL 8th 2025
Full details and Booking Slips will be included in the February edition of your PHOENIX Newsletter.
Book early to avoid disappointment!
Music Workshop: New members welcome!
Do you play a musical instrument? NEW MEMBERS are welcome to join our group, just pop in and have a listen to see if the format would suit you. The ability to read music is not necessary and we play many types of music for fun. Please see the February edition of your Newsletter for contact details.
Happy New Year from your Outings Co-ordinator, Patti, and her team.
Your Outings organisers are busy planning outings for 2025. Advance details will be posted on our website & Facebook Page, so that you can save the dates.
Members of the Gentle Exercise Group enjoyed a Festive Lunch at Brocton Hall Golf Club.

Thank you to Linda & Fay, from members of the Advanced Line Dancing Class

Members of the SKITTLES GROUP enjoying coffee & festive food.

Members of our Art Group enjoyed their Christmas lunch at Springslade Lodge
Members of our Phoenix Riverway Summer Bowling Group enjoyed their Christmas Lunch at Stafford Rugby Club.
Many thanks to Pete for laying a wreath on behalf of our PHOENIX Group.

Len Westwood-Originator of Phoenix

For latest updates, follow us on FACEBOOK!

Friendly reminder. PHOENIX AGM Meeting Friday November 1st.
Many thanks to Lynda & Sue, members of our Art Group, for the updated logo. Brilliant work ladies!
Rachmaninov’s Valentine Romance concert at Victoria Hall
Alan & Leonie have arranged an outing to the Victoria Hall on February 14th. 2025. Reservation details will be included in the NOVEMBER edition of your PHOENIX Newsletter.

Reservations are now closed for this event.
Phoenix Open garden event. August 8th

Re the outing to the Worcester Christmas Fayre on Nov. 28th. Please send your application in ASAP as one coach is already full.
Follow us on Facebook

Save the date: Saturday December 7th, Proms Spectacular
After a very successful Proms Night last year, we intend to repeat the outing this year.
As ticket prices are not yet available, details for the concert will appear in the November Newsletter
but will have a shorter deadline for replies. Alan & Leonie