Recent holiday destinations include:
Weymouth, September 2014

Isle of man, April 2014
q George
Grange over Sands, September 2013
On Monday 23rd September, 38 of us travelled by coach to the Cumbria Grand Hotel in Grange Over Sands, calling at Barton Grange Garden Centre for a comfort stop. After checking in during the early afternoon, we settled in to our rooms and then joined each other in the dining room for a lovely evening meal. Afterwards, we sat chatting and enjoying a drink in the lounges.
On Tuesday, Andy, our driver, took us for a day out. After calling at Settle, we went on to Hawes, travelling over the Yorkshire Dales in beautiful sunshine. We called at the Wensleydale Cheese factory and were shown how the cheese was made and, of course to purchase some (which most of us did). After arriving back at the hotel, we again enjoyed a lovely evening meal and afterwards we ere entertained by a singer/comedian called Michael Jackson (NO, NOT THAT ONE).
The next morning, we boarded a ferry and enjoyed the journey to Bowness where we spent a couple of hours exploring before departing for the hotel for dinner. After dinner, we were entertained once again, this time with recordings of some of the old songs to sing to.
On Thursday morning, we were taken on a tour of the lakes, via Grasmere, then on to Keswick where we spent some time. We travelled back to the hotel via the Kirkstone Pass. We departed on Friday morning, leaving the hotel at 10.00am, and calling at Blakemere Craft Centre for lunch on the way home. We arrived back in Stafford at 4.30pm. We had lovely weather every day, with no sign of rain and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the break.
Many thanks to Jenny Barrett for the review.
Saundersfoot, May 2013
Thorsby Hall (Warner Leisure Hotel, Nottingham), October 2012
If you would like to share your memories on our website, please send reviews to Rose.